
热门标签:Outlook / Email / 文件分享 / 微软 / 办公OA


邮件大附件经常受到限制无法上传,安装坚果云for Outlook大附件插件,可以自由设定附件拦截大小,超过大小限制的大附件上传时将自动使用坚果云链接替换,做到大附件自动拦截,从而实现大附件的安全发送。对经常需要用邮件传送大附件的Outlook用户来说,此插件可以为其省去繁杂的步骤,想传的文件不再受限。

  • 大附件轻松Email给对方;
  • 免除上传文件的烦恼,省时省力;
  • 文件传递迅速整洁,专业化,易于文件管理;

Outlook Extensions

key word:Outlook / Extension / Email / Microsoft

Product introduction

For sending large files in email in better way, Nutstore developments an Outlook Extension for Outlook user. No more time to waste in upload file, No more limit to send large file. This extension will check the enclosed file's size and turned it into share link if the file oversized, thus to broke the limitation and simple your work life.

By using the integration of Nutstore and Outlook Extensions, you can:
  • Easy send large file in email.
  • Sending file in profession way.
  • Managing download files.